Photos from the Solar Eclipse

by Julie Cohn
Photos from the Solar Eclipse20

Sharing is caring!

I hope wherever you were today, you had a chance to see at least some of the eclipse.  My family and I were in Silverton, Oregon to see the eclipse in full totality this morning, for one minute, 47 seconds.  I will write more about our trip later, but wanted to share some of the photos from the Solar Eclipse this morning!

Photos from the Solar Eclipse

{Note:  All photos are original and copyright protected. Please do not use photos without permission.}

Total Eclipse of the Sun1

This was  truly one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed.  The sky gradually got darker, the stars started to twinkle, the shadows got longer and the sky turned purple.   It was breathtaking!

Just before totality, I shot a few photos of the sky.  This is one of a nearby treeline to show how purple the sky was…

All of a sudden, the moon covered the sun, everyone gasped and went quiet, then cheered.  Beams of white and purple peeked out around the sides.  We could see Mars and Mercury.  The ground was dark purple and it got cold.  The birds stopped singing.  I could not help myself, I started to cry, it was just so beautiful!


Total Eclipse of the Sun20


If you look carefully, you can see the purple of the “baileys beads” effect.  I do not have photos of the “diamond ring” effect, but did shoot most of my photos RAW, so have to process those when I get home.   As totality ended, I caught a few photos of the other side of the partial…



Stay tuned for more photos from the Solar Eclipse once I process them.  Stargazing is a great family travel activity, so if you are looking for great dark parks to visit for stargazing, check out my recommendations for dark parks in the United States.


NOTE:  I am a professional photographer and these photos are original and copyright protected.  I have inserted internal watermarks to identify my photos, so please do not use any of these without my permission.  Thank you.


Sharing is caring!

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NmRush 08/22/2017 at 1:56 am

WoW… Beautiful pictures Julie! BRAVO! You must come to NY in 2024!!

Julie Cohn 08/22/2017 at 2:01 am

Thank you Nancy, we will be. We are going to become eclipse chasers! ๐Ÿ™‚

Pat Cohn 08/22/2017 at 2:07 am

Just beautiful! You did a great job capturing it. Hugs, .Pat & Roger

Julie Cohn 08/22/2017 at 2:31 am

Thank you Pat and Roger! โ™ฅ

Lara 08/22/2017 at 12:11 pm

Awe inspiring. WOW!!!!


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